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I've known this, but haven't really OWNED it as much as this year. As many of you know I've lost right at 50 pounds over the past 18 months. In 2017, I really owned that if you have a goal that you really want to achieve, you need to act in spite of how you feel. I can feel like I want the spaghetti, but I don't have to give into that *feeling*. I can act in a way that is in alignment with my goals and who I want to become. This is why I now believe 'self-discipline' is a farce, but that's for another day. Personally, I gained a great sense of power and confidence every time I choose my long-term vision over my short-term impulses.

The Sandler rule, "You don't have to like prospecting, you just have to do it" kick-started this new 2017 belief. I don't have to like exercise, I just have to do it. I don't have to like salads, I just have to eat them. Funny enough, I enjoy both of those now.

When we have these victories...we should CELEBRATE our achievement! I've taken great joy in driving by McDonald's (or other places) and shaking my fist at the Golden Arches as I drive by while saying, "You no longer have any power over me!!! Whaa-hooo!" Crazy, I know.

In my coaching, I've found that we beat ourselves up so bad with every bad decision we make in life, but we don't give ourselves equal or greater credit for the good decisions. Let's celebrate our wins more matter how small! We own a bigger part of ourselves each and every time.

We become closer to our potential selves when we:

1) Define what we want to become.

2) ACT in spite of our feelings.

3) Celebrate every victory with emotion!

What was your greatest Lesson Learned in 2017? I would love to hear your story.


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